Motorhome Sat Nav
Every traveller understands that a competent sat nav may be the difference between a delightful voyage and one that makes you wish you’d stayed home. If you’re seeking a new sat nav for your Motorhome or Caravan or are a first-time buyer, you’ve come to the correct spot.
Camping has never been more accessible thanks to the rise of Motorhomes, Caravans and Campervans. These simple-to-drive vehicles allow you to see the world and travel practically anywhere in the United Kingdom. But before you hop in and begin your epic road trip, you should look for the best Motorhomes for sale in the UK with the best-sat nav systems.
This guide to everything you need to know about Motorhome sat navs will assist you in making the best decision for you and your fellow travellers. We’ll discuss how a Motorhome sat nav varies from vehicle navigation systems. We’ll look at how these helpful contraptions function and how much they cost.
Finally, we’ll review some characteristics for selecting a sat nav and provide suggestions for Motorhome sat navs to fit any budget. Let’s get started.
How does Motorhome sat nav systems work?
Sat navs are used to design the optimum route from A to B and offer you clear directions at every step. GPS satellite receivers can pinpoint your exact location on Earth within 10 meters. This is then linked with digital maps and displayed on a screen.
A Motorhome sat nav is available as integrated systems attached to or near the vehicle’s windscreen, typically with a sucker pad. You may also use a sat nav app, which requires a smartphone to download and use. Apps today often function with Android Auto and Apple Carplay.
When picking which device to purchase, remember that you will not need a Wi-Fi or 4G connection to use them (only when wanting to do map updates). Integrated GPS navigation systems do not rely on mobile data or are linked to Wi-Fi. They use GPS signalling, so you won’t have to worry about losing your data connection, running out of data, or paying roaming fees when travelling abroad.
How does a Motorhome sat nav vary from a vehicle sat nav?
Motorhome and automobile navigation systems operate on the same basic principles. The critical distinction is that Motorhome sat navs cater to motorhomes, caravans and campervans varying dimensions and weights. With the best Motorhome sat nav, you can plan your route based on the most suitable road for your vehicle. Meaning you won’t have to face any low bridges, narrow roads, or areas with additional weight restrictions.
An excellent Motorhome sat nav will even direct you on a route that will avoid environmental routes to ensure that you don’t incur any heavy charges whilst on your travels.
List of helpful Motorhome sat nav features to consider;
The best sat nav for your Motorhome is determined by your needs, the type of vehicle you have, your budget, and your destination. Here are some essential features to consider when purchasing a sat nav device.
Touchscreen prediction.
Although every sat nav will have a touchscreen, only some devices will include predictive text. This convenient function may save you time, make your ride less stressful, and make you safer because you’ll have less time to focus on the screen and more time to keep your eyes on the road.
Lane steering with advanced technology.
Knowing which lane you need to take at a junction or turn ahead of time is essential (it may also avoid disagreements between driver and navigator!). Most sat navs are what we can ‘2D mapping’; this is something similar to what you can expect to see on your Google Maps or Apple Maps.
Although this is great for smaller, more agile vehicles, it’s always good to have a clear map that can provide clear instructions when driving larger vehicles. It’s important to avoid changing your mind at the last minute while driving to prevent taking wrong turns and adding extra minutes to your journey. This is why you should look for a sat nav that offers a 3D mapping screen, as seen in the image above.
Today’s sat nav routing skills are the stuff of the imagination for drivers who seek a stress-free ride. Watch for GPS devices that automatically adjust routes according to the time of day and real-time traffic information. Traffic jams can and will happen in seconds, as any drivers know. Receiving live traffic updates via your Motorhome sat nav allows you to avoid obstacles and arrive at your destination as quickly as possible. They even employ learning technologies to recommend a route based on your preferred activities. The opportunity to circumvent toll gates will appeal to budget-conscious travellers.
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi will elevate your sat nav to a new level compared to its piers. When connected to WiFi, modern sat navs will update themselves automatically for FREE, so there is no need to manually update them before using a PC or Mac.
Maps of the world.
Driving outside of the United Kingdom may be stressful. Signs in strange languages, driving on the ‘wrong’ side of the road, and differing cultural driving styles may put even the most competent drivers on edge. An international map feature is essential if you want to take a campervan trip outside the UK. Advanced features will direct you to essential amenities along the way, such as bathrooms, petrol stations, restaurants and even local attractions. It’s always worth taking a brief pause on your travel to admire beautiful scenery or sample a local delicacy!
Speed and safety warnings.
Drivers may set various safety alerts on their sat nav, such as speed camera warnings. Some sat navs even contain a graphic depicting the speed limit to ensure that you are always maintaining the correct speed.
Interesting Facts (POIs).
Modern Sat navs aren’t merely for convenience. They are also helpful in alerting you to items of interest along your routes, such as beaches, historical sites, Motorhome campsites, parks, and dining places. Of course, knowing how far it is to the next service station or car park is also important. You may save your POIs in your GPS, which will appear as you get closer.
Final Words
We hope that our article on everything you need to know about Motorhome sat navs have assisted you in finding the best-sat nav for your vehicle.
It’s worth noting that not all sat navs offer these impressive features. Nevertheless, there is one sat nav, as far as we know, that can meet and exceed all of the features mentioned in this article. That is the Avtex Tourer Three. Besides all the features mentioned here, the Avtex Tourer Three has a lot more (all of which you can explore by clicking here).
Article by Peter Yordanov, OMC Motorhomes.
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